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Showing blog entries tagged as: tutorial

OpSec for Celebrities

Posted by Ricardo Bánffy at Sep 01, 2014 10:50 PM |

In the wake of, again, leaked nude pictures of celebrities, a little crash course can be useful. It doesn't matter it's wrong to force access to private data and it doesn't matter the perpetrators will eventually be caught and punished. Someone else will do it again. They always do. Below you'll find some tips you may want to follow, even if you are not a celebrity.

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Python 2.6, PIL, Django 1.3 e MySQLdb no CentOS 5.5

Posted by Ricardo Bánffy at Apr 11, 2011 05:05 PM |

Instalar um ambiente Django razoavelmente moderno em um CentOS 5.5 (e, presumivelmente, em um Red Hat 5.x) pode não ser uma tarefa trivial - envolve, por exemplo, algumas decisões que precisam ser tomadas e, às vezes, um ou outro sacrifício que precisa ser feito.

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