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Showing blog entries tagged as: música

Update on the SOPA supporter list

Since originally posted, the SOPA supporter list has moved and changed. Some interesting additions, some interesting removals.

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Companies that support SOPA

Here is a handy list, copied on 2011-12-22, 21:30 UTC from, of the companies that openly support SOPA. It's handy in case some lobbyist persuades the US House of Representatives to remove the original file

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Música em Scheme

Posted by Ricardo Bánffy at Apr 01, 2010 01:17 PM |

Para quem não sabe o que está aí no alto, os blocos representam S-expressions de um programa em Scheme que toca determinados samples em momentos diferentes, segundo condições determinadas pelo próprio programa. O que vemos no vídeo é o programa sendo alterado durante a performance usando o Scheme Bricks.

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